May 4, 2009
Dengan semakin berkembangnya kebudayaan yang sangat menjunjung
kebebasan berekspresi … menimbulkan pengaruh kuat pada bidang desain
busana … terutama busana wanita … Tampilan busana-busana wanita tersebut
… kadang sudah sedemikian terbukanya … dan tidak lagi mempedulikan
apakah busana itu mampu berfungsi sebagai penutup aurat atau tidak … Dan
celakanya … ternyata banyak juga wanita yang bangga jika dianggap seksi
… sehingga secara sengaja dan demonstratif … malah lebih suka
menggunakan pakaian-pakaian mini dan lebih terbuka … yang mungkin
dianggapnya … dapat membuat dirinya dianggap seksi … Lantas … bagaimana
sebenarnya pria memandang wanita berpenampilan seksi ini … ??? … Mungkin
berita yang saya kutip ini bisa dijadikan sebagai rujukan …
Bikinis Make Men See Women as Objects, Scans Confirm
Christine Dell’Amore in Chicago
Geographic News
February 16, 2009
Sexy women in bikinis really do inspire some men to see
them as objects, according to a new study of male behavior.
Brain scans revealed that when men are shown pictures of scantily
clad women, the region of the brain associated with tool use
lights up.
Men were also more likely to associate images of sexualized women
with first-person action verbs such as “I push, I grasp, I handle,”
said lead researcher Susan Fiske, a psychologist at Princeton
And in a “shocking” finding, Fiske noted, some of the men
studied showed no activity in the part of the brain that usually
responds when a person ponders another’s intentions.
This means that these men see women “as sexually
inviting, but they are not thinking about their minds,” Fiske
said. “The lack of activation in this social cognition area is really
odd, because it hardly ever happens.”
Fiske and colleagues asked 21 heterosexual male volunteers to
first take a test that scores people based on different types of sexist
attitudes. The subjects were then shown pictures of both skimpily
dressed and fully clothed men and women.
Most of the men best remembered headless photographs of women in
bikinis, even if they’d only seen the image for two-tenths of a second,
Fiske reported this weekend in Chicago during the annual meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
And the men who scored higher as “hostile sexists”—those
who view women as controlling and invaders of male space—didn’t
show brain activity that indicates they saw the women in bikinis as
humans with thoughts and intentions.
Scientists have seen this absence of activation only once before,
in a study where people were shown off-putting photographs of homeless
people and drug addicts.
(Related: “Sex-Based
Roles Gave Modern Humans an Edge, Study Says.”)
If a similar study were done with women, Fiske told National
Geographic News, it would be hard to predict whether a woman shown a
scantily clad male body would dehumanize him in the same way.
Evolutionary psychologists have proposed that women tend to look
for mates who have wealth and power, so some of Fiske’s colleagues have
suggested running a similar test where women are shown pictures of men
next to expensive cars or other affluent symbols.
But Fiske doesn’t think such an experiment would work the same
way, because women usually react to men they desire by “interpreting
their minds, thinking about what they’re interested in, and then trying
to please them,” she said.
Sumber :
Penelitian di atas … dilakukan oleh Susan Fiske … seorang psikolog
dari Princeton University … dan tidak berwarna syariah Islam yah … … Jadi … jika wanita memang ingin dinilai
sebagai manusia yang punya pemikiran dan minat … dan bukan sekedar
sebagai obyek seksual belaka … baik itu muslimah atau bukan … mungkin
ada baiknya jika diperhatikan cara berpakaiannya … Adalah konyol jika
wanita berteriak-teriak meminta untuk dipandang bukan sebagai obyek seks
belaka … tapi kelakuannya malah mengundang pria untuk berpikiran
seperti itu … tul nggak … ??? …
Tulisan yang berlandaskan pada penelitian Susan Fiske ini … juga bisa
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